Transition: Planning For the Future
by Linda Jorgensen
do you want to be when you grow up? Most children begin seriously
thinking about what they would like to be when they grow up while still
in their early teens. It is no different for a child with disabilities.
However, children needing extra help and services find that once they
graduate from the education system the programs and supports they need
change or often disappear altogether. Given the changes currently
occurring nationwide, it is imperative for parents to actively begin
thinking about the transition process and what programs and services
their child may need well before he/she graduates from the education

What is Transition?
definition transition is, “the period of time during which something
changes from one state or stage to another.” In this case, it’s the
time when your child begins to prepare to move from the protected
environment of the education system to an adult life. For most children
with special needs the transition period begins at approximately age
14. Self-determination is a major key to the success of the transition
period. It is vitally important your child’s dreams, wants, and wishes
be taken into consideration along with his/her strengths and weaknesses.
Discretion should be used to ensure the proper steps are being made at
the right time, in the right place, and in the direction the child
wants, and is able, to go.
most states transition services consist of a coordinated group of
educational professionals focused on an individualized group of
activities and services based on a child's specific needs, abilities,
strengths, and interests within the school system. The purpose of these
activities and services is to prepare your child for life after leaving
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) system by age
22. When it comes to life skills, this is where the rubber meets the
When to Start?
Age 14-15
is the appropriate age when most children begin developing post-school
living skills. IEP objectives should reflect the child's individual
needs concerning these skills. Cooking, cleaning, socialization,
shopping, handling money and learning to use mass transportation are
some of the myriad skills children in this age group begin to master.
those dreams and goals your child talked to you about when he/she was
little? Now is the time to pull those out and look at them. Begin
discussing strengths, wishes, and dreams with your child. What is
realistic? Can your child's dreams be accommodated into the more
prosaic goals of learning living skills? Make a list of goals and
aspirations that can be referred to and updated periodically as you and
your child work through the transition process.
sure to discuss your child's aspirations with the IEP team and begin
brainstorming ways to assist your child in reaching his/her goals to the
best of his/her ability. Be realistic but do NOT count the child out!
These are their dreams. It is vital for a child to develop
self-determination skills while assisting him/her to reach his/her best
potential. It is the job of the IEP Team and the child's parents to
assist the child in reaching these goals as far as he/she is able.
Age 15-16
to begin looking for programs that will allow your child to try new
things and stretch his/her wings. Many children begin job sampling
about now. This gives them a realistic idea of skills and talents they
have, places they might like to work and jobs they might like to do in
the future. As a parent/guardian, this is also the time to begin
looking into school employment training programs, vocational programs,
and community programs available locally. There are no guaranteed
programs that will pick up where school leaves off, and it is up to the
parent to seek out programs and services most appropriate for their
is also time to begin applying for state-based supports. Many states
have waiting lists and you'll need to get on those early in order to
have services available when your child is ready. Look for available
Vocational Rehabilitation programs in your area as well.
Age 17
your child's progress toward daily living goals. How is your child
doing? What are his/her strengths and weaknesses? Is there anything
that really stands out? This is a good time to begin job sampling.
Look for a work situation that matches your child’s strengths and
abilities, and, most importantly, one he/she would enjoy. Be sure to
keep your child in the loop. This will help your child continue to
build those self-determination skills mentioned earlier.
for Parents: Now is the time to begin the legal guardianship and
incapacitation process, if needed. Age 18 is considered the "age of
majority" in most states. It is assumed that individuals will be able
to make their own decisions regarding health, finances and their future
by that time. They should be able to advocate for themselves, take care
of bills and a bank account, decide where they will continue their
educations and begin looking for ways to improve their independence.
Many children this age are beginning to make plans to move away from
home. Once your child reaches the age of majority (age 18 in most
states) you will have no control over the financial, educational, or
health related decisions your child may make. They become legally
competent adults in the eyes of the law with all the rights and
responsibilities of adulthood. Regardless of the individual's level of
disabling condition or functional abilities, that person is considered a
legally competent adult until proven otherwise by a court of law. If
your child's decision-making capacity is severely affected or your child
is unable to communicate based on a chronic or severe condition, it may
be necessary for you to have a guardian appointed for him/her. It is
important to begin this process BEFORE your child turns 18. It is much
more difficult to obtain a Guardianship AFTER your child turns 18!
Age 18
job sampling or even working if your child has found a work situation
that really makes him/her happy. Many children this age have already
found jobs that work well for them. Others will need to keep looking.
to evaluate goals and progress as you begin looking for post-school
district education programs available in your area that match your
child's abilities and goals.
age 18, a person with disabilities will be eligible for Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) and other assistance programs such as Medicaid.
Once eligibility has been established, these programs will also allow
your child eligibility for other programs within your community. Be
sure to apply.
Age 19-22
child has the right to remain in school until age 22 (see IDEA 2004
Part B). Your child’s IEP plan can dictate whether or not your child
should remain in the educational system beyond the age of 18.
these extra years he/she can focus on improving basic academic skills,
daily living skills, further vocational and social skills, and gaining
independence and self-determination. Children may want to graduate with
their graduating classes and it is appropriate should they so choose.
But they should receive a Certificate of Completion, not a diploma. If
the student is awarded a diploma, they will NOT be allowed to return to
the school system.
be the best advocate for your child, go out and visit the programs and
community options available in your area. Use your best judgment in
choosing or discarding programs you review. Be imaginative and creative
in your evaluations. You are looking for a program that will most
closely meet your child's unique needs and circumstances. This should
be accomplished BEFORE your child's 21st year. This is also the time
for you, the parent, to learn all you can about your area adult services
for people with disabilities.
sure that your child’s Critical Needs assessment, a Health and Human
Services function in most states, is updated BEFORE age 22, and your
child is on the waiting list for adult services. If you are unsure of
your child’s status, contact his/her case manager or your Health and
Human Services department for that information. One important note:
just because your child leaves the school system does not guarantee
he/she will be automatically accepted into adult services.
the school system at age 22 will be a smooth transition if the proper
steps are taken beforehand. Early planning and preparation will help
parents and others provide a smooth transition from the school system to
Look out world, here they come!
This article first appeared in the Special Needs Resource Project Newsletter.
is a self proclaimed "Old Mom" who has a 27-year-old daughter who, for
the first seven years of her life, did not have a firm diagnosis. Her
daughter was finally diagnosed just before her eighth birthday with
"cerebral palsy - secondary to unknown etiology," and more recently,
"cerebral palsy with complications due to age." Linda and the rest of
her family, together, have worked with Easter Seals, University of
Utah's School of Architecture and Design and several other community and
military family organizations across the state and Nationwide.
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