Sunday, May 10, 2020

Car washing to improve fine motor skills and sensory exploration

In an effort to support fine motor skill development and sensory exploration at home in a way that is fun and functional for children with different developmental abilities, I will be doing a series of functional home activities. 

We are starting OT this week with washing the car as a great way to work on motor skills while having fun and doing something functional.  That's what OT is all about.:-)

Car washing activity promotes fine motor skill development by:

  • Strengthening the fine motor skills through resistance; squeezing the sprayer on the water hose, squeezing out the cloth/sponge, washing the car.
  • Providing neuromuscular feedback, which means sending messages to the brain about where the hands are in space.  This is important for developing neural pathways in the brain to assist in developing coordinated muscle movements.  Activities that provide resistance are essential in providing neuromuscular feedback.   Large motor movements, squeezing the sprayer or sponge all provide resistance, which provides the brain with neuromuscular feedback.

  •  Promoting stabilization of the wrist and upper arm are vital in developing functional fine motor and hand skills.  The stabilization muscles of the arms/hands provide the base on which coordinated fine motor movements can develop.  Working on a vertical surface helps to develop the stabilization muscles of the arms/hands which is essential for writing, buttoning, and many other fine motor activities.   Washing the vertical surfaces of the car assist with developing the stabilization muscles of the arm.

  • Bilateral integration skills help both sides of the body to work together.  Bilateral integration is vital for being able to carry out two-handed skills like buttoning, cutting with scissors, and zipping.  Bilateral integration is also important for crossing the midline when reading or writing.  Activities that require the child to cross midline visually or with their arms or legs assists with the development of bilateral integration.  Crossing midline while washing the car assists in developing bilateral integration.

  • Sensory exploration is a part of washing the car.  Sensory exploration is possible through the cloth or sponge (get a few different sponges or clothes to encourage exploration), water and suds, heavy work through washing the vertical surfaces of the car.  Be careful not to force sensory exploration on the child.  It is important that the child controls the amount of stimuli they are interacting with, role modeling how to interact with the different sensory elements often will encourage the child to interact with the sensory elements as well.
  • Life skills that can be used throughout their lives, possibly be used to make money, and to give the child a role in the family, their job is to wash the car. 

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