Friday, November 5, 2010

Columbia VS Otter Reclining Bath Chairs and Mobility Bases

Bath chair rating Columbia vs Otter reclining bath chair with mobile base

Otter chair & mobility base                      Columbia chair & mobility base

We have used various brands of bath chairs… which brands work and which ones don’t. It’s a lot of $ for trial and error right?

Columbia PVC Reclining Bath Chair and Mobile Base

The Columbia bath chair and mobile base was significantly more expensive than the Otter bath chair and base. The Columbia has blue mesh attached to a PVC frame that does not adjust but remains in a reclined position. Two of three Columbia bath chairs broke after a couple of years when used with adults and heavy use, one was repairable with PVC from the local hardware store.

The Columbia base worked beautifully, always rolling smoothly and easy to steer even after a few years of chlorine exposure.

Otter Reclining Bath Chair and Mobile Base

The Otter reclining bath chair and mobile base were less expensive then the Columbia system. The Otter bath chair has green mesh attached to a metal frame. The Otter bath chair was a favorite with completely adjustable back and seat positions and conveniently placed release levers that have held up over time.

The Otter mobile base on the other hand was a complete dud. From the get go it has been a struggle to control and difficult to push especially under the weight of an adult. The casters are most definitely the difference. The casters on the Otter mobile base are smaller than the Columbia base. As time has passed the casters have become more and more difficult to roll.

So what's the rating?

Columbia reclining bath chair: Not durable, limited adjustments available.- 2 stars out of 5
Columbia mobile base: Durable a true easy roller.- 5 stars out of 5

Otter reclining bath chair: Durable metal frame, easily adjustable with conveniently located.
5 stars out of 5
Otter mobile base: Durable but difficult to roll and steer.- 1 star out of 5 Taking care of someone with a disability is hard enough, this mobile base just makes life even more difficult.

Have you had a similar discovery? Inquisitive minds want to know…. It’s time to look out for each other

1 comment:

bath lifts said...

Installation and setup of a standard bath lift is very simple and can be done in less than 10 minutes. Measurement of the tub width and height is required to ensure proper fit before purchase.
