Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DME Providers: Wright and Filippis Says Good Bye to Rehab Equipment for Southwest Michigan

Today we were informed that Wright and Filippis, will no longer be providing rehab equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, bath chairs etc. to southwest Michigan (for full list of counties see bottom of post.)
Wright and Filippis states they are changing direction, they will continue to fulfill contracts in the Grand Rapids area.

When asked why the change of direction the Wright and Filippis representative did not have much information.  I would imagine poor Medicaid reimbursement may be the reason for Writght and Filipis' 'change in direction.'  Southwest Michigan has a heavy concentration of Medicaid and Medicare neither of which reimburses vendors much above their costs.

Poor Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement has forced several DME companies out of business over the last 5 years.  Maybe Wright and Filippis' decision is based on self preservation.  Please continue to contact your senators and state representatives to let them know Medicaid and Medicare are important to the elderly, and handicapped of our state and by cutting reimbursement costs not only are people going without necessary medical equipment but we are further cutting the throats of businesses and corporations in our state which we need for commerce and for jobs. 

Contact Michigan leaders, find contact information by following the link below:


List of Counties Wright and Filippis will No Longer be Providing DME:
  • Allegan
  • Barry
  • Van Buren
  • Kalamazoo
  • Calhoun
  • Berrien
  • Cass 
  • St. Joseph
  • Branch
Bye Ken Broz, we'll miss you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


very nice write up. DME is a tough world right now. I hope and pray that I am able to help you and your clients.....James C Bond ATP/CRS
